About Me

Hi, I'm Tred, and I do stuff (boi, 15, autismo)
My friends:

@ENTITY2020 @Inkling3000 @coco094 @Awesome_neos145 @superthings2021

I like m e m e s, retro computers, game consoles, Linux, and chicken nuggs.
Website is at tredi9100.neocities.org.
Gotta love big companies making the worst crud,
it's amazing what we can do on our race to rock bottom.
Guys, Scratch doesn't want you to know this, but Scratch Addo- (banned)

F in the chat for ENTITY2020, he left scrahc, he will be missed a lot.

The TrEd5000 universe is perfectly summed up by this one single project.

y e A s t